
Raw food & Frozen food

现在越来越多的人意识到喂食raw food 的好处了,


平常这些骨头是放在冰箱里的, 如果要顶的话我们会拿cooler给送过去~

左起: small size beef marrow bone, medium size beef marrow bone, large size beef marrow bone.

下面是frozen muffin, 有蔬菜的也有纯肉的, 只是形状象muffin而已. 平常也是放在冰箱里的.


为了方便大家, 我挑了几样比较受欢迎的TREATS 照下来发给大家看看,
材料分:肉类的, 饼干类的, 骨头类, 还有rawhide (生皮类,一般用来磨牙的);
按功分: 磨牙类的, training用来奖励的, 清新口气的.
下面我每一类都挑了几种,给大家推荐一下. 因为我一次传不了那么多照片,只能慢慢传了..

Zuke's 是最受欢迎的肉类零食了,所有系列都是semi-moist的, 不会象饼干那么干,而且口味也比较全.

左起,第一排:chicken, salmon, peanut butter
第二排:lamb, salmon, beef
第三排:chicken, peanut butter, beef
第四排:peanut butter, chicken, beef.
推荐2类,第一排 mini natural 那个系列,是小颗粒的,大小非常适合做training treats.

第三排 hip action, 它富含glucosaminechondroitin,这两种是预防 joint problem 非常重要的成分.这种骨关节不适的症状在大型犬中比较常见.

上面的都是除牙垢跟磨牙的一些零食了. 这个系列比较特别的是它实际含有我们用的牙膏里的一种成分,但剂量很小,在安全范围内,所以吞下去是绝对安全的.

左起,第一排:牛皮卷中号,磨牙夹心棒,骨头形状的munchy rawhide(压碎了的牛皮),牛皮卷大号
第二排:磨牙骨头(bacon flavour),牛皮卷小号, 去牙垢的齿型玩具.

推荐磨牙夹心棒,它是完全可以消化的,不象白色的牛皮卷成的棒棒,实际上牛皮是根本不能消化的东西,狗狗啃这些就象在啃棒球手套一样,所以我不推荐大家用rawhide制品给狗狗,实际上是不健康的,反之应该多用一些天然的, 易消化易吸收的东西。但是这种情况对成年的大型狗狗会稍微好些,所以我还是把它发上来了。 毕竟10几年前这类的制品占领了整个宠物磨牙类零食的市场,所以还是有很多忠实的客户在的。

推荐的那个磨牙棒里面夹的是象greenie一类的东西,含有叶绿素,所以它不但能去牙垢还能清新口气,而且它 crunchy outside, chewy inside,狗狗比较喜欢。

上面的是一些cookie treats
左起,第一排:oven baked cookies (bacon, peanut butter); Northern Biscuit (lamb&trout, turkey, liver, veggie)
第二排:sojo's grain free cookies (cherry, lamb&sweet potato), old mother hubbard cookies
第三排:charlee bear cookies (liver, cheese&egg), danford cookies (salmon, peanut butter, turkey, party mix)

推荐 sojo's grain free cookies, grain 是对狗狗来讲最常见的过敏原,很多好的狗粮已经达到grain-free了,但是市面上很难找到小饼干能达到grain-free的,sojo's用土豆跟地瓜代替了传统的谷物。



左起,第一排:Rollover liver mini bites, Purebites freeze dried chicken breast & beef liver,
第二排:beef tender tips, chicken jerky, merrick beef tender tips, merrick beef square
第三排:Harz sausage sticks, Hartz beef strips, benny bully's liver treats
第四排:pacific whiting, herring strips, salmon snacks, salmon fillets




Cuddles, Better Way 介绍稍后补上

Clump n Flush

•安全Flushable - 不会造成马桶堵塞。

•重量轻 - 和同类结块产品比较,重量轻了一半。

•专用玉米芯 - 吸收超过自身重量4倍水分,并减少异味。

•快速聚结团 - 硬团块形式迅速,使清理工作变的简单。

Snappy Tom(水晶砂)




Swheat Scoop 天然小麥貓砂

很多貓砂都是由黏土製造,再混入化學物質以控制貓盆異味。而天然小麥貓砂則採用天然植物-小麥,經過高溫處理製造而成,具有強勁的除臭能力,更可作自然分解,環保衞生。絕不含黏土, 化學成份及香精。

2.自然凝固, 方便清理

 World's best Cat Litter(玉米粒猫砂)

World's Best Cat Litter 由天然粟米仁製造, 獨特的多微孔結構提供更大表面,有效地吸收氨和尿之氣味。不含附加化學製品, 不含香水, 不含矽, 99% 無塵, 凝結力強。天然,安全,環保,能夠自然分解。適合所有年齡貓隻使用, 不用擔憂攝取塵土或過敏問題。



Feline Fresh(软木屑猫砂)


2、乾淨且容易清理 , 不會造成多餘的垃圾 。
3、用量省 。
5、兔子、老鼠、鳥類也可使用 。
7、無臭味 、無粉塵 。不會將貓砂撒得到處都是



Yesterday's News(报纸合成猫砂)



3.无味 - 没有香味



Arm & Hammer Super Scoop

貓砂加入了酵母梳打粉(BAKING SODA),能除去由細菌引起的異味、亦同時釋出香味,而且有特快凝固的功能。



而且貓砂用量可省下許多,只要鏟起結塊部份扔掉,其餘貓砂仍可繼續使用, 不管是家中只有1隻貓,或多隻貓,本品都很適用。

Arm & Hammer Multi-Cat

貓砂加入了酵母梳打粉(BAKING SODA),能除去由細菌引起的異味、亦同時釋出香味,而且有特快凝固的功能。

多貓用配方 - 擁有更強凝固力及香味,特別適合貓隻多的家居。


ARM & HAMMER® Odor Alert


全新ARM & HAMMER® Odor Alert™ Cat Litter和尿物接触后就会变成蓝色,这是唯一一种能够在你闻到异味之前就可以帮你找出并清理已经让猫猫使用过的土块。



1. 使用是普通产品6倍多的ARM & HAMMER®碳酸氢钠来更彻底地清除臭味。

2. 硬块将臭味包裹其中且结实不易松散

3. 猫砂颜色变化安全可靠,颜色不会粘附到猫爪上或者地毯上。

4. 全新的易倾倒设置,不会有任何污物散落

5. 正常使用,99% 无尘。

Purina Maxx












Wellness Complete Health 猫粮

比较推荐Indoor Health, 它是专门针对现在大多数只在室内活动的小猫们设计的. 它综合了" 控制体重" 和"控制毛球" 2种作用. 肥胖和严重起毛球都是只在室内活动的小猫们常出现的问题, 室内空气干燥和室内活动量少都是导致这些问题的原因。

Wellness Complete Health  产品具体信息                          Wellness Core  产品具体信息

Indoor Health (室内猫)          Adult & Kitten (幼猫成年猫)
Kitten Health (幼猫)
Healthy Weight (控制体重)
Chicken (鸡肉)
Salmon (三文鱼)

Oven Baked Tradition 猫粮

市场上唯一用烤炉烘烤出来的猫粮, 加工过程相对要慢, 但是味道会好很多. 吃腻了干干压出来的猫粮的小猫们可以尝试换换口味试试这一种.

Oven Baked  产品具体信息
Adult Fish(鱼肉,适合成年猫) 
Adult Chicken (鸡肉,适合成年猫)
Kitten Fish (鱼肉,适合幼猫)

Solid Gold 猫粮

因为是德国的牌子, 所以名字都是怪怪的,但其实就是2种口味, 一种是羊肉, 一种是鸡肉. 适用于各种年龄层.

Solid Gold  产品具体信息
Indingo Moon (Chicken) 鸡肉
Katz-n-Flocken (Lamb) 羊肉

Fromm Gold Line 猫粮

温馨提示:全线 FROMM 由 100% 新鲜肉制造,产品绝不含Ethoxyquin 有害化学防腐剂,全线 FROMM 不含 Menadione (Vitamin K3),产品中只含100% 天然维他命 K。

Alfalfa Sprouts / 紫花苜蓿芽

能帮助身体消化和吸收蛋白质﹐铁质及其他营养物﹐这种香草是身体的清洁剂﹐能有效地消灭感染﹐也是天然的除臭剂﹐它含有丰富矿物质和维他命A, C, E, K, B及D﹐除此之外﹐紫花苜蓿芽含有bioflaonoids和八种消化酵素以促进消化。
Helps the body assimilate protein, calcium and other nutrients. This herb is a body cleanser, infection fighter and natural deodorizer. It is the richest land source of trace minerals and contains vitamins A, C, E, K, B and D. Alfalfa also contains bioflavonoids, and eight digestive enzymes to promote proper assimilation of foods.

Apples / 苹果

含丰富胡萝卜素和果胶。果胶已被证实是一种卓越的纤维, 它的胶状质地能改善肠道肌肉功能﹐使身体内的废物更容易在胃肠道内推进﹐最后排出体外﹐除此之外﹐果胶会跟内脏里的毒素黏合以消灭毒素。苹果含丰富胡萝卜素﹐维他命C和综合维他命B包括维他命B6﹐叶和钾。 FROMM Four-Star Nutritionals 每天均引入新鲜的苹果﹐经人手检查及准备﹐以确保所采用的苹果最新鲜﹐质素最高。 

Especially high in non-pro-vitamin A carotenes and pectin. Pectin is a remarkable type of fiber that has been shown to exert a number of beneficial effects. Due to its gel forming fiber, it can improve the intestinal muscle's ability to push waste through the gastrointestinal tract. Pectin also binds to and eliminates toxins in the gut. Apples are also rich in beta carotene and vitamin C as well as several B complex vitamins including vitamin B6, folic acid and lots of potassium. Fresh produce used in the preparation of Four-Star Nutritionals is delivered daily. Hand inspection and preparation assures that all the produce used is fresh and of the highest quality.

Biotin / 维生素H


Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin, generally classified as a B-complex vitamin.

Blueberries / 蓝莓

是维他命C和维他命E的重要来源﹐Four-Star Nutritionals 每天均引入新鲜的蓝莓﹐经人手检查及准备﹐以确保所采用的材料最新鲜﹐质素最高。

Provides good source of vitamin E and vitamin C. Fresh produce used in the preparation of Four-Star Nutritionals is delivered daily. Hand inspection and preparation assures that all the produce used is fresh and of the highest quality.

Broccoli / 西兰花

是钾﹐叶酸, 维他命C和维他命E的重要来源, Four-Star Nutritionals 每天均引入新鲜的西兰花﹐经人手检查及准备﹐以确保所采用的材料最新鲜﹐质素最高。

Provides good sources of potassium, folate, vitamin E and vitamin C. Fresh produce used in the preparation of Four-Star Nutritionals is delivered daily. Hand inspection and preparation assures that all the produce used is fresh and of the highest quality.

Brown Rice / 糙米


Brown rice, which has only the outer hull removed, retains--along with its bran layer--an impressive variety of vitamins and minerals, including niacin, vitamin B6, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, and even some vitamin E. Brown rice contains only a small amount of protein, but that is of good quality because of its relatively high level of the amino acid lysine. Because the bran is not milled away, brown rice contains four times the amount of insoluble fiber found in white rice.

Canola Oil / 芥花籽油


Among all vegetable oils, canola oil is lowest in saturated fats. Canola oil contains omega-3 fatty acids. Canola oil is high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

Carrots / 红萝卜

是钾和维他命A的重要来源﹐Four-Star Nutritionals 每天均引入新鲜的红萝卜﹐经人手检查及准备﹐以确保所采用的材料最新鲜﹐质素最高。

Provides excellent sources of potassium and vitamin A. Fresh produce used in the preparation of Four-Star Nutritionals is delivered daily. Hand inspection and preparation assures that all the produce used is fresh and of the highest quality.

Cauliflower / 椰菜花

是钾和叶酸的重要来源﹐Four-Star Nutritionals 每天均引入新鲜的椰菜花﹐经人手检查及准备﹐以确保所采用的材料最新鲜﹐质素最高。

Provides good sources of potassium and folate. Fresh produce used in the preparation of Four-Star Nutritionals is delivered daily. Hand inspection and preparation assures that all the produce used is fresh and of the highest quality.

Cheese / 芝士

Fromm Four-Star 独家使用了未经加工处理过的芝士在其宠物食粮中﹐新鲜的威斯康新州芝士不但提供优质的蛋白质﹐更令食物美味可口。
Fromm's fresh cheese is an ingredient totally unique to pet foods. Fresh Wisconsin cheese not only serves as a great source of protein, but it also adds a great natural taste to the pet food.

Chicken / 鸡肉

Fromm Four-Star 所选用的鸡肉其蛋白质完全没有受到破坏﹐新鲜的鸡肉大大提高蛋白质消化度和增加氨基酸含量。 Fromm 的新鲜鸡肉经美国农业部(USDA)检查验确实符合人类食用质素﹐不但十分美味﹐也提供最优质的蛋白质。
Unlike the protein damage that may occur during the production of meals by the rendering process, the proteins in the fresh chicken used by Fromm suffer no loss in quality. Use of fresh chicken increases the overall digestibility of the proteins, and increases the essential amino acid content. Our fresh chicken comes from USDA inspected facilities, and is the same high quality as that used in human foods. Fromm's fresh chicken is one of the highest quality proteins currently used in pet food production.

Chicken Fat / 鸡脂肪

Fromm 只选用有根据及有信誉的低脂肪酸和低过氧化值的鸡脂肪﹐而鸡脂肪除了十分美味之外﹐亦含丰富的重要脂肪酸。
Only low free-fatty acid, low peroxide-value chicken fats from known, reputable sources are used in Fromm Family Nutritionals. Chicken fat is highly palatable and is high in essential fatty acids.

Chicken Meal / 鸡肉茸


Chicken meals commonly used in pet foods are of variable quality. Many come from rendering plants processing waste meat by-products and dead or condemned animals. Overheating during the rendering process can destroy some of the essential amino acids and produce variable amounts of indigestible protein- fat complexes. The chicken, duck, and fish meals used in Fromm Family Nutritionals come from USDA inspected facilities that prepare animals for human consumption. Excess product that cannot be sold quickly into human markets is promptly processed into meal form using methods that do minimum damage to protein. The chicken, duck, and fish meals used in Fromm Family Nutritionals are very high quality protein sources.

Chicory Root Extract / 菊苣根


Chicory Root Extract is added as a Prebiotic that works together with the added Probiotics to enhance the growth of beneficial bacteria and inhibit the growth of bad bacteria (ie E.coli and Salmonella). Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that produce organic acids (such as lactic and acetic) and digestive enzymes while at the same time reducing toxic amine levels and competitively excluding the opportunity for bad bacteria to populate the gastrointestinal tract.

Chondroitin Sulfate / 软骨胶

帮助舒缓和预防关节痛和关节炎﹐ 保护软骨组织。

Helps develop healthy joints and repair damaged joints by providing the building blocks to produce cartilage and synovial fluid found in joints.

Cranberries / 红莓

红莓含有丰富维他命C﹐对泌尿系统的健康很有益处﹐它能有效消灭引致膀胱炎和尿道炎德细菌﹐Four-Star Nutritionals 每天均引入新鲜的红莓﹐经人手检查及准备﹐以确保所采用的材料最新鲜﹐质素最高。

Used for kidney or urinary tract infection caused by bacteria, usually E. coli. Cranberry's beneficial action on the urinary system is the result of its vitamin C and flavonoids content. Fresh produce used in the preparation of Four-Star Nutritionals is delivered daily. Hand inspection and preparation assures that all the produce used is fresh and of the highest quality.

Dried Tomato Pomace / 干番茄

混合干番茄皮﹐番茄肉和种子﹐是维他命B和维他命A的来源﹐也是很好的纤维来源, 可促进肠道运送及制造粪便。

Dried Tomato Pomace is the dried mixture of tomato skins, pulp and crushed seeds that remain after the processing of tomatoes for juice, soup, or ketchup. It is a good source of B Vitamins and a fair source of Vitamin A. Tomato pomace is used as a source of dietary fiber, to promote proper gastrointestinal passage and produce firm stools.

Duck / 鸭

Fromm 所选用的鸭肉其蛋白质完全没有受到破坏﹐新鲜的鸭肉大大提高蛋白质消化度﹐Fromm 的新鲜鸭肉经美国农业部(USDA)检查验确实符合人类食用质素﹐不但十分美味﹐也提供最优质的蛋白质。

As with all of our meats our fresh duck is not subjected to the potentially protein-damaging rendering process. Our fresh duck comes from USDA inspected facilities, and is the same high quality as that used in human foods. Fromm's fresh duck provides high quality protein and is extremely palatable.

Duck Meal / 鸭肉茸


Duck meals commonly used in pet foods are of variable quality. Many come from rendering plants processing waste meat by-products and dead or condemned animals. Overheating during the rendering process can destroy some of the essential amino acids and produce variable amounts of indigestible protein- fat complexes. The chicken, duck, and fish meals used in Fromm Family Nutritionals come from USDA inspected facilities that prepare animals for human consumption. Excess product that cannot be sold quickly into human markets is promptly processed into meal form using methods that do minimum damage to protein. The chicken, duck, and fish meals used in Fromm Family Nutritionals are very high quality protein sources.

Flaxseed / 亚麻籽


Flaxseed is an "oil" seed that contains high levels of alpha-linolenic acid (omega 3 fatty acids). Flaxseed is used in Fromm Family Nutritionals to balance the dietary omega 6:omega 3 fatty acid ratio and to optimize animal health.

Folic Acid / 叶酸


A B-complex vitamin needed for cell replication and growth. Folic acid helps form building blocks of DNA

Glucosamine Hydrochloride / 氨基葡萄糖


Helps develop healthy joints and repair damaged joints by providing the building blocks to produce cartilage and synovial fluid found in joints.

Green Beans / 绿豆

含丰富叶和钾。 Four-Star Nutritionals 每天均引入新鲜绿豆﹐经人手检查及准备﹐以确保所采用的材料最新鲜﹐质素最高。

Help provide potassium and folate. Fresh produce used in the preparation of Four-Star Nutritionals is delivered daily. Hand inspection and preparation assures that all the produce used is fresh and of the highest quality.

Herring Meal / 鲱鱼茸

制造关节之间的软骨组织和滑液﹐以帮助建立健康的骨骼和关节﹐并修补受损关节。 (请注意: 全线Fromm 的鱼肉均通过美国农业部(USDA)检查验确实绝不含Ethoxyquin 有害化学防腐剂。)
Helps develop healthy joints and repair damaged joints by providing the building blocks to produce cartilage and synovial fluid found in joints.

Lactobacillus Acidophilus / 嗜酸的乳酸菌


Helps to maintain the delicate balance of beneficial bacteria in your dog's intestines.

Lactobacillus Salivarius / 乳酸菌

Effective in eliminating symptoms of bowel toxemia. Produces B vitamins and K, enzymes, and lactic acid, and aids in the production of lactase. Very active on proteins as well as the by-products of protein putrefication. Proven to be effective in cases of food poisoning.

Lecithin / 卵磷脂


Lecithin is included in Fromm Family Nutritionals as a source of energy and omega 3 fatty acids. As a phospholipid, lecithin functions as an emulsifier, which increases the animal's digestion of fat and fatty acids.

Menhaden Fish Meal / 鲱鱼茸

含丰富奥米加3脂肪酸﹐对狗只的皮肤和毛发健康很有帮助﹐Fromm只选用优质鲱鱼茸。一般用于制造宠物食粮的浓缩鱼肉质量不一﹐有些来自弃置的肉类幅产品﹐死亡和受感染的动物﹐而过度煮热鲱鱼茸不但会破坏重要的氨基酸﹐也会制造一些难以消化的综合蛋白质脂肪。但Fromm所采用的鸡肉﹐鸭肉和鱼肉均通过美国农业部(USDA)检查验确实符合人类食用质素﹐而这些肉类全是最优质的蛋白质来源。 (请注意: 全线Fromm 的鱼肉均通过美国农业部(USDA)检查验确实绝不含Ethoxyquin 有害化学防腐剂。)

Fish Meal is high in Omega-3 Fatty Acids, great for the health of your dog's skin & coat. Fish meals commonly used in pet foods are of variable quality. Many come from rendering plants processing waste meat by-products and dead or condemned animals . Overheating during the rendering process can destroy some of the essential amino acids and produce variable amounts of indigestible protein-fat complexes. The chicken, duck, and fish meals used in Fromm Family Nutritionals come from USDA inspected facilities that prepare animals for human consumption. Excess product that cannot be sold quickly into human markets is promptly processed into meal form using methods that do minimum damage to protein. The chicken, duck, and fish meals used in Fromm Family Nutritionals are very high quality protein sources. Fish meal is also a good source of long chain fatty acids.

Menhaden Oil / 鲱鱼油

提供身体所需能量﹐含有丰富的奥米加3脂肪酸﹐也能滋润宠物的皮肤和毛发。 (请注意: 全线Fromm 的鱼肉均通过美国农业部(USDA)检查验确实绝不含Ethoxyquin 有害化学防腐剂。)

Provides a high energy source and skin and coat conditioning.

Millet / 黍


An excellent source of nutrition for dogs that may have a "gluten intolerance". This huskless grain is very stable and is highly digestible (95% reported). Additionally it is naturally resistant to bacteria and fungi.

Niacin / 烟碱酸


Niacin is an essential vitamin and part of the vitamin B-complex.

Oat Hulls / 燕麦皮

纤维l来源, 可促进肠道运送及制造正常的粪便。

Used as a source of dietary fiber, to promote proper gastrointestinal passage and produce firm stools.

Oatmeal / 燕麦

燕麦主要是碳水化合物的来源﹐用来提供身体所需的能量﹐也是脂肪﹐脂肪酸﹐纤维, 综合维他命B﹐矿物质﹐蛋白质及氨基酸的主要来源, Fromm 就是根据这知识来制造一个全面的均衡饮食。因为食用单一的谷物会容易引起宠物对谷类的敏感﹐所以Fromm采用了几种谷物﹐除了可避免宠物对谷类的敏感﹐也能令食物更均衡。
Barley, rice, and oatmeal are used primarily as sources of carbohydrates for energy. These grains are also important sources of fat, essential fatty acids, dietary fiber, vitamins of the B complex, trace minerals, proteins, and essential amino acids. The Fromm Family uses this knowledge to produce a completely balanced diet. The use of multiple grains may benefit the dog or cat with a specific dietary grain intolerance. The "offending" grain may be present in the diet, but is limited to a level that will not adversely affect the animal. By not using too much of any one grain, which could trigger a intolerance reaction, the animal is able to derive the overall benefits of a well balanced multiple grain source diet. Fromm uses a combination of oatmeal and ground oat hulls instead of just ground whole oats to assure the grain is sufficiently milled for maximum digestibility. Separating the oat hull from the groat allows the proper finished grind to be achieved.

Parsley / 荷兰芹


Serves as an intestinal calmative and aids in nutrient absorption and elimination of gastric odors leading to bad breath.

Pearled Barley / 麦米

麦米主要是碳水化合物的来源﹐用来提供身体所需的能量﹐也是脂肪﹐脂肪酸﹐纤维, 综合维他命B﹐矿物质﹐蛋白质及氨基酸的主要来源, Fromm 就是根据这知识来制造一个全面的均衡饮食。因为食用单一的谷物会容易引起宠物对谷类的敏感﹐所以Fromm采用了几种谷物﹐除了可避免宠物对谷类的敏感﹐也能令食物更均衡。

Barley, rice, and oatmeal are used primarily as sources of carbohydrates for energy. These grains are also important sources of fat, essential fatty acids, dietary fiber, vitamins of the B complex, trace minerals, proteins, and essential amino acids. The Fromm Family uses this knowledge to produce a completely balanced diet. The use of multiple grains may benefit the dog or cat with a specific dietary grain intolerance. The "offending" grain may be present in the diet, but is limited to a level that will not adversely affect the animal. By not using too much of any one grain, which could trigger a intolerance reaction, the animal is able to derive the overall benefits of a well balanced multiple grain source diet. Fromm uses a combination of oatmeal and ground oat hulls instead of just ground whole oats to assure the grain is sufficiently milled for maximum digestibility. Separating the oat hull from the groat allows the proper finished grind to be achieved.

Potassium Chloride

提供很好的维他命A和钾。 Four-Star Nutritionals 每天均引入新鲜的材料﹐经人手检查及准备﹐以确保所采用的材料最新鲜﹐质素最高。

Provides excellent sources of potassium and vitamin A. Fresh produce used in the preparation of Four-Star Nutritionals is delivered daily. Hand inspection and preparation assures that all the produce used is fresh and of the highest quality.

Potato / 马铃薯

提供很好的维他命A和钾。 Four-Star Nutritionals 每天均引入新鲜的马铃薯﹐经人手检查及准备﹐以确保所采用的材料最新鲜﹐质素最高。

Provides excellent sources of potassium and vitamin A. Fresh produce used in the preparation of Four-Star Nutritionals is delivered daily. Hand inspection and preparation assures that all the produce used is fresh and of the highest quality.

Riboflavin / 核黄素


Riboflavin, a water-soluble vitamin, helps the body release energy from protein, fat, and carbohydrates during metabolism.

Salmon / 三文鱼

Fromm选用优质新鲜野生三文鱼﹐而其蛋白质完全没有于制造过程中受到破坏﹐新鲜的三文鱼大大提高蛋白质消化度﹐Fromm 的新鲜三文鱼经美国农业部(USDA)检查验确实符合人类食用质素﹐除了提供最优质的蛋白质﹐也十分美味。 (请注意: 全线Fromm 的鱼肉均通过美国农业部(USDA)检查验确实绝不含Ethoxyquin 有害化学防腐剂。)

Fresh wild salmon. As with all of our meat & fish our fresh salmon is not subjected to the potentially protein-damaging rendering process. Our fresh salmon comes from USDA inspected facilities, and is the same high quality as that used in human foods. Fromm's fresh salmon provides high quality protein and is extremely palatable.

Salmon Meal / 三文鱼茸

Fromm只选用优质脱水三文鱼。一般用于制造宠物食粮的浓缩鱼肉质量不一﹐有些来自弃置的肉类幅产品﹐死亡和受感染的动物﹐而过度煮热鱼肉不但会破坏重要的氨基酸﹐也会制造一些难以消化的综合蛋白质脂肪。但Fromm所采用的鸡肉﹐鸭肉和鱼肉均通过美国农业部(USDA)检查验确实符合人类食用质素﹐而这些肉类全是最优质的蛋白质来源。 (请注意: 全线Fromm 的鱼肉均通过美国农业部(USDA)检查验确实绝不含Ethoxyquin 有害化学防腐剂。)
High-quality salmon meal. Protein meals commonly used in pet foods are of variable quality. Many come from rendering plants processing waste meat by-products and dead or condemned animals. Overheating during the rendering process can destroy some of the essential amino acids and produce variable amounts of indigestible protein-fat complexes. The chicken, duck, and fish meals used in Fromm Family Nutritionals come from USDA inspected facilities that prepare animals for human consumption.

Salmon Oil / 三文鱼油

提供身体所需能量﹐含有丰富的奥米加3脂肪酸﹐也能滋润宠物的皮肤和毛发。 (请注意: 全线Fromm 的鱼肉均通过美国农业部(USDA)检查验确实绝不含Ethoxyquin 有害化学防腐剂。)

Provides a high energy source and skin and coat conditioning.

Sweet Potato / 甜马铃薯

提供很好的维他命A和钾。 Four-Star Nutritionals 每天均引入新鲜的甜马铃薯﹐经人手检查及准备﹐以确保所采用的材料最新鲜﹐质素最高。

Provides excellent sources of potassium and vitamin A. Fresh produce used in the preparation of Four-Star Nutritionals is delivered daily. Hand inspection and preparation assures that all the produce used is fresh and of the highest quality.

White Rice / 白米
白米主要是碳水化合物的来源﹐用来提供身体所需的能量﹐也是脂肪﹐脂肪酸﹐纤维, 综合维他命B﹐矿物质﹐蛋白质及氨基酸的主要来源, Fromm 就是根据这知识来制造一个全面的均衡饮食。因为食用单一的谷物会容易引起宠物对谷类的敏感﹐所以Fromm采用了几种谷物﹐除了可避免宠物对谷类的敏感﹐也能令食物更均衡。

Barley, rice, and oatmeal are used primarily as sources of carbohydrates for energy. These grains are also important sources of fat, essential fatty acids, dietary fiber, vitamins of the B complex, trace minerals, proteins, and essential amino acids. The Fromm Family uses this knowledge to produce a completely balanced diet. The use of multiple grains may benefit the dog or cat with a specific dietary grain intolerance. The "offending" grain may be present in the diet, but is limited to a level that will not adversely affect the animal. By not using too much of any one grain, which could trigger a intolerance reaction, the animal is able to derive the overall benefits of a well balanced multiple grain source diet. Fromm uses a combination of oatmeal and ground oat hulls instead of just ground whole oats to assure the grain is sufficiently milled for maximum digestibility. Separating the oat hull from the groat allows the proper finished grind to be achieved.

Whitefish / 白鲑鱼

新鲜的白鲑来自大西洋, 跟人类日常食用的白鲑同样优质﹐它不但提供优质的蛋白质﹐更令食物美味可口。 (请注意: 全线Fromm 的鱼肉均通过美国农业部(USDA)检查验确实绝不含Ethoxyquin 有害化学防腐剂。)
Our fresh whitefish comes from the Atlantic Ocean, and is the same high quality as that used in human foods. Fromm's fresh whitefish provides high quality protein and is extremely palatable.

Whole Clove Garlic / 全只大蒜

大蒜能有效地抑制细菌生长, 稳定血压﹐增强抵抗力﹐特别对上呼吸道感染有帮助。它是一种预防细菌和建立健康的香草。 Four-Star Nutritionals 每天均引入新鲜的大蒜﹐经人手检查及准备﹐以确保所采用的材料最新鲜﹐质素最高。

Garlic provides a good source of potassium, zinc, selenium, and vitamin C. Garlic has been found to have effective antimicrobial properties, inhibiting the growth of both bacteria and fungi. Garlic helps stabilize blood pressure and gives a good solid boost to the immune system , keeping at bay infections of various sorts particularly upper respiratory tract infections. Much of it's success is due to various compounds of sulphur. Garlic is a health building and disease preventing herb. It is rich in potassium, zinc, vitamins A and C, and selenium. It also contains calcium, manganese, copper, vitamin B1 and some iron. Fresh produce used in the preparation of Four-Star Nutritionals is delivered daily. Hand inspection and preparation assures that all the produce used is fresh and of the highest quality.

Whole Dried Egg / 全只鸡蛋

鸡蛋是完整的蛋白质﹐容易被消化﹐含丰富维他命A, B, E, K﹐维生素H﹐硫磺和氨基酸﹐有助细胞生长。

Egg is a complete protein. It is one of the most digestible forms of protein and full of vitamins A, B, E, K, biotin, sulfur and amino acids. All of which is needed for cell growth.

Yucca Schidigera / 丝兰

From the desert plant, Yucca schidigera aids in digestion and helps reduce stool and urine waste odor.


Fromm 下面按照年龄层分类的一系列猫粮.

不同于Fromm本身按口味分的猫粮的是, 它全部都是有多种蛋白质来源, 里面有鸭肉, 鸡肉, 和羊肉, 而不只是相对单调的一种肉类. (当然Surf-n-turf 算是一个例外, 但是它里面没有羊肉而是SALMON) .多重蛋白质来源的一点好处就是营养相对均衡一些. 但是还是象上面提到的,如果猫对其中一种肉类过敏, 或者就是不爱吃的话, 就只好换成单一蛋白质来源的猫粮来避免那一种肉类了. ( 比如有一部分猫不爱吃羊肉之类的.)

厂家目前只有5lb装的, 还没有出更大的包装.

Fromm Gold Line 产品具体信息
Adult Gold(成年猫)
Kitten Gold(幼猫)
Mature Gold(老年猫)

Fromm 4 Star 猫粮

温馨提示:全线 FROMM 由 100% 新鲜肉制造,产品绝不含Ethoxyquin 有害化学防腐剂,全线 FROMM 不含 Menadione (Vitamin K3),产品中只含100% 天然维他命 K。

Alfalfa Sprouts / 紫花苜蓿芽

能帮助身体消化和吸收蛋白质﹐铁质及其他营养物﹐这种香草是身体的清洁剂﹐能有效地消灭感染﹐也是天然的除臭剂﹐它含有丰富矿物质和维他命A, C, E, K, B及D﹐除此之外﹐紫花苜蓿芽含有bioflaonoids和八种消化酵素以促进消化。
Helps the body assimilate protein, calcium and other nutrients. This herb is a body cleanser, infection fighter and natural deodorizer. It is the richest land source of trace minerals and contains vitamins A, C, E, K, B and D. Alfalfa also contains bioflavonoids, and eight digestive enzymes to promote proper assimilation of foods.

Apples / 苹果

含丰富胡萝卜素和果胶。果胶已被证实是一种卓越的纤维, 它的胶状质地能改善肠道肌肉功能﹐使身体内的废物更容易在胃肠道内推进﹐最后排出体外﹐除此之外﹐果胶会跟内脏里的毒素黏合以消灭毒素。苹果含丰富胡萝卜素﹐维他命C和综合维他命B包括维他命B6﹐叶和钾。 FROMM Four-Star Nutritionals 每天均引入新鲜的苹果﹐经人手检查及准备﹐以确保所采用的苹果最新鲜﹐质素最高。 

Especially high in non-pro-vitamin A carotenes and pectin. Pectin is a remarkable type of fiber that has been shown to exert a number of beneficial effects. Due to its gel forming fiber, it can improve the intestinal muscle's ability to push waste through the gastrointestinal tract. Pectin also binds to and eliminates toxins in the gut. Apples are also rich in beta carotene and vitamin C as well as several B complex vitamins including vitamin B6, folic acid and lots of potassium. Fresh produce used in the preparation of Four-Star Nutritionals is delivered daily. Hand inspection and preparation assures that all the produce used is fresh and of the highest quality.

Biotin / 维生素H


Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin, generally classified as a B-complex vitamin.

Blueberries / 蓝莓

是维他命C和维他命E的重要来源﹐Four-Star Nutritionals 每天均引入新鲜的蓝莓﹐经人手检查及准备﹐以确保所采用的材料最新鲜﹐质素最高。

Provides good source of vitamin E and vitamin C. Fresh produce used in the preparation of Four-Star Nutritionals is delivered daily. Hand inspection and preparation assures that all the produce used is fresh and of the highest quality.

Broccoli / 西兰花

是钾﹐叶酸, 维他命C和维他命E的重要来源, Four-Star Nutritionals 每天均引入新鲜的西兰花﹐经人手检查及准备﹐以确保所采用的材料最新鲜﹐质素最高。

Provides good sources of potassium, folate, vitamin E and vitamin C. Fresh produce used in the preparation of Four-Star Nutritionals is delivered daily. Hand inspection and preparation assures that all the produce used is fresh and of the highest quality.

Brown Rice / 糙米


Brown rice, which has only the outer hull removed, retains--along with its bran layer--an impressive variety of vitamins and minerals, including niacin, vitamin B6, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, and even some vitamin E. Brown rice contains only a small amount of protein, but that is of good quality because of its relatively high level of the amino acid lysine. Because the bran is not milled away, brown rice contains four times the amount of insoluble fiber found in white rice.

Canola Oil / 芥花籽油


Among all vegetable oils, canola oil is lowest in saturated fats. Canola oil contains omega-3 fatty acids. Canola oil is high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

Carrots / 红萝卜

是钾和维他命A的重要来源﹐Four-Star Nutritionals 每天均引入新鲜的红萝卜﹐经人手检查及准备﹐以确保所采用的材料最新鲜﹐质素最高。

Provides excellent sources of potassium and vitamin A. Fresh produce used in the preparation of Four-Star Nutritionals is delivered daily. Hand inspection and preparation assures that all the produce used is fresh and of the highest quality.

Cauliflower / 椰菜花

是钾和叶酸的重要来源﹐Four-Star Nutritionals 每天均引入新鲜的椰菜花﹐经人手检查及准备﹐以确保所采用的材料最新鲜﹐质素最高。

Provides good sources of potassium and folate. Fresh produce used in the preparation of Four-Star Nutritionals is delivered daily. Hand inspection and preparation assures that all the produce used is fresh and of the highest quality.

Cheese / 芝士

Fromm Four-Star 独家使用了未经加工处理过的芝士在其宠物食粮中﹐新鲜的威斯康新州芝士不但提供优质的蛋白质﹐更令食物美味可口。
Fromm's fresh cheese is an ingredient totally unique to pet foods. Fresh Wisconsin cheese not only serves as a great source of protein, but it also adds a great natural taste to the pet food.

Chicken / 鸡肉

Fromm Four-Star 所选用的鸡肉其蛋白质完全没有受到破坏﹐新鲜的鸡肉大大提高蛋白质消化度和增加氨基酸含量。 Fromm 的新鲜鸡肉经美国农业部(USDA)检查验确实符合人类食用质素﹐不但十分美味﹐也提供最优质的蛋白质。
Unlike the protein damage that may occur during the production of meals by the rendering process, the proteins in the fresh chicken used by Fromm suffer no loss in quality. Use of fresh chicken increases the overall digestibility of the proteins, and increases the essential amino acid content. Our fresh chicken comes from USDA inspected facilities, and is the same high quality as that used in human foods. Fromm's fresh chicken is one of the highest quality proteins currently used in pet food production.

Chicken Fat / 鸡脂肪

Fromm 只选用有根据及有信誉的低脂肪酸和低过氧化值的鸡脂肪﹐而鸡脂肪除了十分美味之外﹐亦含丰富的重要脂肪酸。
Only low free-fatty acid, low peroxide-value chicken fats from known, reputable sources are used in Fromm Family Nutritionals. Chicken fat is highly palatable and is high in essential fatty acids.

Chicken Meal / 鸡肉茸


Chicken meals commonly used in pet foods are of variable quality. Many come from rendering plants processing waste meat by-products and dead or condemned animals. Overheating during the rendering process can destroy some of the essential amino acids and produce variable amounts of indigestible protein- fat complexes. The chicken, duck, and fish meals used in Fromm Family Nutritionals come from USDA inspected facilities that prepare animals for human consumption. Excess product that cannot be sold quickly into human markets is promptly processed into meal form using methods that do minimum damage to protein. The chicken, duck, and fish meals used in Fromm Family Nutritionals are very high quality protein sources.

Chicory Root Extract / 菊苣根


Chicory Root Extract is added as a Prebiotic that works together with the added Probiotics to enhance the growth of beneficial bacteria and inhibit the growth of bad bacteria (ie E.coli and Salmonella). Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that produce organic acids (such as lactic and acetic) and digestive enzymes while at the same time reducing toxic amine levels and competitively excluding the opportunity for bad bacteria to populate the gastrointestinal tract.

Chondroitin Sulfate / 软骨胶

帮助舒缓和预防关节痛和关节炎﹐ 保护软骨组织。

Helps develop healthy joints and repair damaged joints by providing the building blocks to produce cartilage and synovial fluid found in joints.

Cranberries / 红莓

红莓含有丰富维他命C﹐对泌尿系统的健康很有益处﹐它能有效消灭引致膀胱炎和尿道炎德细菌﹐Four-Star Nutritionals 每天均引入新鲜的红莓﹐经人手检查及准备﹐以确保所采用的材料最新鲜﹐质素最高。

Used for kidney or urinary tract infection caused by bacteria, usually E. coli. Cranberry's beneficial action on the urinary system is the result of its vitamin C and flavonoids content. Fresh produce used in the preparation of Four-Star Nutritionals is delivered daily. Hand inspection and preparation assures that all the produce used is fresh and of the highest quality.

Dried Tomato Pomace / 干番茄

混合干番茄皮﹐番茄肉和种子﹐是维他命B和维他命A的来源﹐也是很好的纤维来源, 可促进肠道运送及制造粪便。

Dried Tomato Pomace is the dried mixture of tomato skins, pulp and crushed seeds that remain after the processing of tomatoes for juice, soup, or ketchup. It is a good source of B Vitamins and a fair source of Vitamin A. Tomato pomace is used as a source of dietary fiber, to promote proper gastrointestinal passage and produce firm stools.

Duck / 鸭

Fromm 所选用的鸭肉其蛋白质完全没有受到破坏﹐新鲜的鸭肉大大提高蛋白质消化度﹐Fromm 的新鲜鸭肉经美国农业部(USDA)检查验确实符合人类食用质素﹐不但十分美味﹐也提供最优质的蛋白质。

As with all of our meats our fresh duck is not subjected to the potentially protein-damaging rendering process. Our fresh duck comes from USDA inspected facilities, and is the same high quality as that used in human foods. Fromm's fresh duck provides high quality protein and is extremely palatable.

Duck Meal / 鸭肉茸


Duck meals commonly used in pet foods are of variable quality. Many come from rendering plants processing waste meat by-products and dead or condemned animals. Overheating during the rendering process can destroy some of the essential amino acids and produce variable amounts of indigestible protein- fat complexes. The chicken, duck, and fish meals used in Fromm Family Nutritionals come from USDA inspected facilities that prepare animals for human consumption. Excess product that cannot be sold quickly into human markets is promptly processed into meal form using methods that do minimum damage to protein. The chicken, duck, and fish meals used in Fromm Family Nutritionals are very high quality protein sources.

Flaxseed / 亚麻籽


Flaxseed is an "oil" seed that contains high levels of alpha-linolenic acid (omega 3 fatty acids). Flaxseed is used in Fromm Family Nutritionals to balance the dietary omega 6:omega 3 fatty acid ratio and to optimize animal health.

Folic Acid / 叶酸


A B-complex vitamin needed for cell replication and growth. Folic acid helps form building blocks of DNA

Glucosamine Hydrochloride / 氨基葡萄糖


Helps develop healthy joints and repair damaged joints by providing the building blocks to produce cartilage and synovial fluid found in joints.

Green Beans / 绿豆

含丰富叶和钾。 Four-Star Nutritionals 每天均引入新鲜绿豆﹐经人手检查及准备﹐以确保所采用的材料最新鲜﹐质素最高。

Help provide potassium and folate. Fresh produce used in the preparation of Four-Star Nutritionals is delivered daily. Hand inspection and preparation assures that all the produce used is fresh and of the highest quality.

Herring Meal / 鲱鱼茸

制造关节之间的软骨组织和滑液﹐以帮助建立健康的骨骼和关节﹐并修补受损关节。 (请注意: 全线Fromm 的鱼肉均通过美国农业部(USDA)检查验确实绝不含Ethoxyquin 有害化学防腐剂。)
Helps develop healthy joints and repair damaged joints by providing the building blocks to produce cartilage and synovial fluid found in joints.

Lactobacillus Acidophilus / 嗜酸的乳酸菌


Helps to maintain the delicate balance of beneficial bacteria in your dog's intestines.

Lactobacillus Salivarius / 乳酸菌

Effective in eliminating symptoms of bowel toxemia. Produces B vitamins and K, enzymes, and lactic acid, and aids in the production of lactase. Very active on proteins as well as the by-products of protein putrefication. Proven to be effective in cases of food poisoning.

Lecithin / 卵磷脂


Lecithin is included in Fromm Family Nutritionals as a source of energy and omega 3 fatty acids. As a phospholipid, lecithin functions as an emulsifier, which increases the animal's digestion of fat and fatty acids.

Menhaden Fish Meal / 鲱鱼茸

含丰富奥米加3脂肪酸﹐对狗只的皮肤和毛发健康很有帮助﹐Fromm只选用优质鲱鱼茸。一般用于制造宠物食粮的浓缩鱼肉质量不一﹐有些来自弃置的肉类幅产品﹐死亡和受感染的动物﹐而过度煮热鲱鱼茸不但会破坏重要的氨基酸﹐也会制造一些难以消化的综合蛋白质脂肪。但Fromm所采用的鸡肉﹐鸭肉和鱼肉均通过美国农业部(USDA)检查验确实符合人类食用质素﹐而这些肉类全是最优质的蛋白质来源。 (请注意: 全线Fromm 的鱼肉均通过美国农业部(USDA)检查验确实绝不含Ethoxyquin 有害化学防腐剂。)

Fish Meal is high in Omega-3 Fatty Acids, great for the health of your dog's skin & coat. Fish meals commonly used in pet foods are of variable quality. Many come from rendering plants processing waste meat by-products and dead or condemned animals . Overheating during the rendering process can destroy some of the essential amino acids and produce variable amounts of indigestible protein-fat complexes. The chicken, duck, and fish meals used in Fromm Family Nutritionals come from USDA inspected facilities that prepare animals for human consumption. Excess product that cannot be sold quickly into human markets is promptly processed into meal form using methods that do minimum damage to protein. The chicken, duck, and fish meals used in Fromm Family Nutritionals are very high quality protein sources. Fish meal is also a good source of long chain fatty acids.

Menhaden Oil / 鲱鱼油

提供身体所需能量﹐含有丰富的奥米加3脂肪酸﹐也能滋润宠物的皮肤和毛发。 (请注意: 全线Fromm 的鱼肉均通过美国农业部(USDA)检查验确实绝不含Ethoxyquin 有害化学防腐剂。)

Provides a high energy source and skin and coat conditioning.

Millet / 黍


An excellent source of nutrition for dogs that may have a "gluten intolerance". This huskless grain is very stable and is highly digestible (95% reported). Additionally it is naturally resistant to bacteria and fungi.

Niacin / 烟碱酸


Niacin is an essential vitamin and part of the vitamin B-complex.

Oat Hulls / 燕麦皮

纤维l来源, 可促进肠道运送及制造正常的粪便。

Used as a source of dietary fiber, to promote proper gastrointestinal passage and produce firm stools.

Oatmeal / 燕麦

燕麦主要是碳水化合物的来源﹐用来提供身体所需的能量﹐也是脂肪﹐脂肪酸﹐纤维, 综合维他命B﹐矿物质﹐蛋白质及氨基酸的主要来源, Fromm 就是根据这知识来制造一个全面的均衡饮食。因为食用单一的谷物会容易引起宠物对谷类的敏感﹐所以Fromm采用了几种谷物﹐除了可避免宠物对谷类的敏感﹐也能令食物更均衡。
Barley, rice, and oatmeal are used primarily as sources of carbohydrates for energy. These grains are also important sources of fat, essential fatty acids, dietary fiber, vitamins of the B complex, trace minerals, proteins, and essential amino acids. The Fromm Family uses this knowledge to produce a completely balanced diet. The use of multiple grains may benefit the dog or cat with a specific dietary grain intolerance. The "offending" grain may be present in the diet, but is limited to a level that will not adversely affect the animal. By not using too much of any one grain, which could trigger a intolerance reaction, the animal is able to derive the overall benefits of a well balanced multiple grain source diet. Fromm uses a combination of oatmeal and ground oat hulls instead of just ground whole oats to assure the grain is sufficiently milled for maximum digestibility. Separating the oat hull from the groat allows the proper finished grind to be achieved.

Parsley / 荷兰芹


Serves as an intestinal calmative and aids in nutrient absorption and elimination of gastric odors leading to bad breath.

Pearled Barley / 麦米

麦米主要是碳水化合物的来源﹐用来提供身体所需的能量﹐也是脂肪﹐脂肪酸﹐纤维, 综合维他命B﹐矿物质﹐蛋白质及氨基酸的主要来源, Fromm 就是根据这知识来制造一个全面的均衡饮食。因为食用单一的谷物会容易引起宠物对谷类的敏感﹐所以Fromm采用了几种谷物﹐除了可避免宠物对谷类的敏感﹐也能令食物更均衡。

Barley, rice, and oatmeal are used primarily as sources of carbohydrates for energy. These grains are also important sources of fat, essential fatty acids, dietary fiber, vitamins of the B complex, trace minerals, proteins, and essential amino acids. The Fromm Family uses this knowledge to produce a completely balanced diet. The use of multiple grains may benefit the dog or cat with a specific dietary grain intolerance. The "offending" grain may be present in the diet, but is limited to a level that will not adversely affect the animal. By not using too much of any one grain, which could trigger a intolerance reaction, the animal is able to derive the overall benefits of a well balanced multiple grain source diet. Fromm uses a combination of oatmeal and ground oat hulls instead of just ground whole oats to assure the grain is sufficiently milled for maximum digestibility. Separating the oat hull from the groat allows the proper finished grind to be achieved.

Potassium Chloride

提供很好的维他命A和钾。 Four-Star Nutritionals 每天均引入新鲜的材料﹐经人手检查及准备﹐以确保所采用的材料最新鲜﹐质素最高。

Provides excellent sources of potassium and vitamin A. Fresh produce used in the preparation of Four-Star Nutritionals is delivered daily. Hand inspection and preparation assures that all the produce used is fresh and of the highest quality.

Potato / 马铃薯

提供很好的维他命A和钾。 Four-Star Nutritionals 每天均引入新鲜的马铃薯﹐经人手检查及准备﹐以确保所采用的材料最新鲜﹐质素最高。

Provides excellent sources of potassium and vitamin A. Fresh produce used in the preparation of Four-Star Nutritionals is delivered daily. Hand inspection and preparation assures that all the produce used is fresh and of the highest quality.

Riboflavin / 核黄素


Riboflavin, a water-soluble vitamin, helps the body release energy from protein, fat, and carbohydrates during metabolism.

Salmon / 三文鱼

Fromm选用优质新鲜野生三文鱼﹐而其蛋白质完全没有于制造过程中受到破坏﹐新鲜的三文鱼大大提高蛋白质消化度﹐Fromm 的新鲜三文鱼经美国农业部(USDA)检查验确实符合人类食用质素﹐除了提供最优质的蛋白质﹐也十分美味。 (请注意: 全线Fromm 的鱼肉均通过美国农业部(USDA)检查验确实绝不含Ethoxyquin 有害化学防腐剂。)

Fresh wild salmon. As with all of our meat & fish our fresh salmon is not subjected to the potentially protein-damaging rendering process. Our fresh salmon comes from USDA inspected facilities, and is the same high quality as that used in human foods. Fromm's fresh salmon provides high quality protein and is extremely palatable.

Salmon Meal / 三文鱼茸

Fromm只选用优质脱水三文鱼。一般用于制造宠物食粮的浓缩鱼肉质量不一﹐有些来自弃置的肉类幅产品﹐死亡和受感染的动物﹐而过度煮热鱼肉不但会破坏重要的氨基酸﹐也会制造一些难以消化的综合蛋白质脂肪。但Fromm所采用的鸡肉﹐鸭肉和鱼肉均通过美国农业部(USDA)检查验确实符合人类食用质素﹐而这些肉类全是最优质的蛋白质来源。 (请注意: 全线Fromm 的鱼肉均通过美国农业部(USDA)检查验确实绝不含Ethoxyquin 有害化学防腐剂。)
High-quality salmon meal. Protein meals commonly used in pet foods are of variable quality. Many come from rendering plants processing waste meat by-products and dead or condemned animals. Overheating during the rendering process can destroy some of the essential amino acids and produce variable amounts of indigestible protein-fat complexes. The chicken, duck, and fish meals used in Fromm Family Nutritionals come from USDA inspected facilities that prepare animals for human consumption.

Salmon Oil / 三文鱼油

提供身体所需能量﹐含有丰富的奥米加3脂肪酸﹐也能滋润宠物的皮肤和毛发。 (请注意: 全线Fromm 的鱼肉均通过美国农业部(USDA)检查验确实绝不含Ethoxyquin 有害化学防腐剂。)

Provides a high energy source and skin and coat conditioning.

Sweet Potato / 甜马铃薯

提供很好的维他命A和钾。 Four-Star Nutritionals 每天均引入新鲜的甜马铃薯﹐经人手检查及准备﹐以确保所采用的材料最新鲜﹐质素最高。

Provides excellent sources of potassium and vitamin A. Fresh produce used in the preparation of Four-Star Nutritionals is delivered daily. Hand inspection and preparation assures that all the produce used is fresh and of the highest quality.

White Rice / 白米
白米主要是碳水化合物的来源﹐用来提供身体所需的能量﹐也是脂肪﹐脂肪酸﹐纤维, 综合维他命B﹐矿物质﹐蛋白质及氨基酸的主要来源, Fromm 就是根据这知识来制造一个全面的均衡饮食。因为食用单一的谷物会容易引起宠物对谷类的敏感﹐所以Fromm采用了几种谷物﹐除了可避免宠物对谷类的敏感﹐也能令食物更均衡。

Barley, rice, and oatmeal are used primarily as sources of carbohydrates for energy. These grains are also important sources of fat, essential fatty acids, dietary fiber, vitamins of the B complex, trace minerals, proteins, and essential amino acids. The Fromm Family uses this knowledge to produce a completely balanced diet. The use of multiple grains may benefit the dog or cat with a specific dietary grain intolerance. The "offending" grain may be present in the diet, but is limited to a level that will not adversely affect the animal. By not using too much of any one grain, which could trigger a intolerance reaction, the animal is able to derive the overall benefits of a well balanced multiple grain source diet. Fromm uses a combination of oatmeal and ground oat hulls instead of just ground whole oats to assure the grain is sufficiently milled for maximum digestibility. Separating the oat hull from the groat allows the proper finished grind to be achieved.

Whitefish / 白鲑鱼

新鲜的白鲑来自大西洋, 跟人类日常食用的白鲑同样优质﹐它不但提供优质的蛋白质﹐更令食物美味可口。 (请注意: 全线Fromm 的鱼肉均通过美国农业部(USDA)检查验确实绝不含Ethoxyquin 有害化学防腐剂。)
Our fresh whitefish comes from the Atlantic Ocean, and is the same high quality as that used in human foods. Fromm's fresh whitefish provides high quality protein and is extremely palatable.

Whole Clove Garlic / 全只大蒜

大蒜能有效地抑制细菌生长, 稳定血压﹐增强抵抗力﹐特别对上呼吸道感染有帮助。它是一种预防细菌和建立健康的香草。 Four-Star Nutritionals 每天均引入新鲜的大蒜﹐经人手检查及准备﹐以确保所采用的材料最新鲜﹐质素最高。

Garlic provides a good source of potassium, zinc, selenium, and vitamin C. Garlic has been found to have effective antimicrobial properties, inhibiting the growth of both bacteria and fungi. Garlic helps stabilize blood pressure and gives a good solid boost to the immune system , keeping at bay infections of various sorts particularly upper respiratory tract infections. Much of it's success is due to various compounds of sulphur. Garlic is a health building and disease preventing herb. It is rich in potassium, zinc, vitamins A and C, and selenium. It also contains calcium, manganese, copper, vitamin B1 and some iron. Fresh produce used in the preparation of Four-Star Nutritionals is delivered daily. Hand inspection and preparation assures that all the produce used is fresh and of the highest quality.

Whole Dried Egg / 全只鸡蛋

鸡蛋是完整的蛋白质﹐容易被消化﹐含丰富维他命A, B, E, K﹐维生素H﹐硫磺和氨基酸﹐有助细胞生长。

Egg is a complete protein. It is one of the most digestible forms of protein and full of vitamins A, B, E, K, biotin, sulfur and amino acids. All of which is needed for cell growth.

Yucca Schidigera / 丝兰

From the desert plant, Yucca schidigera aids in digestion and helps reduce stool and urine waste odor.


Fromm 旗下按照口味的一系列猫粮. 是给all- life-stage的, 有以下的4种口味.

Surf-n-turf 与其他3种不同的是它有chicken, duck, salmon 三种肉类混合起来做蛋白质来源, 并且是GRAIN FREE的. 但是如果小猫对这三种肉类之中的某一种过敏,或者就是不爱吃的话就最好避免用这种混合型的猫粮, 单一肉类的猫粮对这样的情况就比较适合了.

含chicken cartilage, 提供对骨关节健康很重要的glucasamino-glycans.
有效的提供猫们必须的一些 antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, prebiotics, probiotics.
Omega 6 和 Omega 3 含量都比较高.

不含 wheat, corn, brewers rice, flours, beet pulp. 这些都是对猫来讲最普遍的过敏原, 容易导致肠胃不适, 排便不正常等状况.

不含hormones, 和其他任何medications.

Fromm 4 Star 产品具体信息

Chicken À La Veg(鸡肉)
Duck À La Veg(鸭肉)
Salmon À La Veg(三文鱼)
Surf & Turf(鸡,鸭,鱼)

Orijen 猫粮

Orijen的猫粮也是简单的分为2种基本款, 鸡肉味和鱼肉味, 适用于所有年龄层.
它的猫粮也是提倡一个黄金比例, 70%的肉类, 30%的水果和蔬菜, 0%的GRAIN.

比较受欢迎的是它的鱼肉味, ORIJEN使用六種新鮮、從不冷藏的區域性品種—鮭魚、白鮭、北方鼓眼魚、鰈魚和鯡魚,ORIJEN六種魚類配方含有優質新鮮蛋白質,提供您寵物最好的滋養—不含任何不適於您愛貓之穀類或碳水化合物。
 ORIJEN 的不同处
◆讲究完整食物链比例,纯肉:蔬果:杂粮比例= 70:30:0。

ORIJEN 】的顶极食材






【原料成分】 新鮮去骨鮭魚(契努克鮭魚、銀鮭、紅鮭等種類)、鯡魚粉、太平洋鮭魚粉、褐色馬鈴薯、北部新鮮去骨白斑鱼,鮭魚粉,馬鈴薯淀粉,白斑鱼粉,大西洋鯡魚粉、甘薯、新鮮去骨白斑鱼,新鮮去骨鱒魚、新鮮去骨鱸魚、新鮮去骨鱈魚、新鮮去骨鯡魚、向日葵油、鮭魚油(以維他命E做天然防腐)、乾紫花苜蓿、海生植物(海草、愛爾蘭苔、紅藻、墨角藻)、韭蔥、車前子、蟹殼、迷迭香、卵磷脂、蘋果、菊苣根、歐亞甘草根、葫蘆巴、葡萄胺、蔓越橘、紅醋粟、金盞花、茴香種子、玉米、薄荷葉、甘菊花、蒲公英、夏季香薄荷、迷迭香精、軟骨素、玫瑰果、維生素補充劑(維他命E、氯化膽鹼、維生素A、維生素D3、維生素B1、維生素B12、葉酸、維生素H)、海鹽、礦物質(硫酸亞鐵、蛋白鋅、蛋白錳、蛋白銅)、益生菌(嗜酸乳酸菌和腸球菌發酵產品)
【喂食建议】为了更好地模拟天然的猫类动物的食物的特点,Orijen的6种鱼猫粮是一种高蛋白和低碳水化合物的配方,由新鲜运到我们工厂的鱼组成。ORIJEN是为所有类型的成猫和幼猫度身定做的食物,以新鲜肉类为主,更加适合猫的生理需求,而且用量少,您的爱猫对ORIJEN猫粮的需求量要比一般的以碳水化合物为主的猫粮要少。每日喂食指导 BODY WEIGHT(请见猫粮背后对照表)
由于每只成猫和幼猫会有所区别,所以喂养分量和猫的尺寸、所处的环境、年龄和活动情况有关。建议每次给与2次食量,并总是保持有新鲜干净的食水。怀孕期: 在怀孕第7周增加口粮10 % ,第8和9周增加20 %

哺乳期: 增加50 %的口粮,每日喂送3或4次.

Orijen 产品具体介绍

CAT & KITTEN(鸡肉,适合幼猫和成年猫)
6 FISH for CATS(鱼肉,适合成年猫)


Oven Baked 狗粮

是狗粮市场里唯一一种用oven出来的狗粮, 所以狗粮非常的, 就象饼干一样,用手就能捏脆, 不象其他的狗粮都是extruded,看起来有些干干的.

另外比较值得一提的是它的omega-6 fatty acid含量是 3.25%, 算是在holistic food市场里含量最高的几个产品之一, 另外它的omega-3 fatty acid 含量也比较高, omega-3 fatty acid 是对大脑发育和维持免疫系统正常工作的非常重要的成分, DHA是最常见的一种omega-3 fatty acid, 它只能从食物中获取, 狗狗自己的身体没法生成, 所以饮食里就含有omega-3 fatty acid是最理想的了.

Oven Baked 产品具体信息

Adult chicken(鸡肉,适合成年犬)
Adult lamb & rice(羊肉和米,适合成年犬)
Adult white fish (鱼肉,适合成年犬)

Ziwi Peak 狗粮

是来自New Zealand的狗粮。New Zealand是生产全世界最干净的羊肉的地方了,所以它的主要蛋白质来源是算是一流的了。

这款狗粮实际上是那种半湿半干的pouch,而不是一般的干狗粮。 Ziwi Peak 采用的了一种特殊的技术可以提高冰冻的生食freezing point, 从而使这些raw food在常温下也保持成型的状态,保证了营养成分不在加工过程中流失。

比较不幸的是这项技术成本造价太高,导致了ziwi peak定价也比较惊人。。这实际上是一款super premium的狗粮。

所以在这我不推荐大狗吃这个牌子, 小狗可以尝试,还有一些在raw food上的朋友可以尝试。

Ziwi Peak 产品具体信息

Fish & Venison(鱼和鹿肉)

